Best of 2019 – A Wedding Photography Year in Review: So I was sitting here a few days before Christmas with the task of putting together my 2019 Wedding Photography Year in Review with the year’s favorite smile-inducing moments and […]
Best of 2019 – A Wedding Photography Year in Review: So I was sitting here a few days before Christmas with the task of putting together my 2019 Wedding Photography Year in Review with the year’s favorite smile-inducing moments and […]
Frampton Court Wedding Photography: This wedding was up there with the very best of them. Reasons? Firstly, a stunning wedding venue in Frampton Court – incredible grounds, views and a majestic palace of a house. Then we had almost every […]
Egypt Mill Wedding Photography: Blogs are like buses…none for ages – due to summer wedding craziness – then two come along at once so here is my second in one day: Brendan and Sarika’s rather eventful wedding earlier in the […]
Owlpen Manor Wedding Photography: Owlpen Manor is a characterful, family owned Cotswold Country House in the pretty village of Uley that just happens to come with its very own church as well as one of the most stunning landscaped gardens you […]
Hyde Barn Wedding Photography: Another look back to a gorgeous sunny day in June earlier in the year when I shot Alex and Laura’s Cotswold wedding in the Slaughters followed by their evening’s celebrations a few miles up the road […]
2015 Wedding Photography Year in Review: 2015 has been such fun. I must admit though, the thought of picking a selection of pictures from the 15,000 or so I shot this year was quite a daunting one but I thoroughly enjoyed […]
Wedding Photography Eastington Park: It seems like absolutely yonks ago that I was sitting in the Badger Inn in Eastington having a coffee while enjoying listening to Amy and Josh talk excitedly about their plans for their wedding at Eastington Park […]
Clearwell Castle Wedding Photography: I am due to shoot Sam and Krupa’s Indian and English wedding ceremonies towards the end of August and with one of the wedding venues being Clearwell Castle, it seemed like a good idea to head […]
Gloucestershire pre Wedding Photography – Minchinhampton Common: Minchinhampton Common is arguably the jewel in the Cotswold’s crown. Anyone who has never been should visit in the Spring/Summer time when the farmers let their cows on to the fields to roam amongst […]