Egypt Mill Wedding Photography: Blogs are like buses…none for ages – due to summer wedding craziness – then two come along at once so here is my second in one day: Brendan and Sarika’s rather eventful wedding earlier in the year at Egypt Mill. Now I say eventful because it’s not often you spend a quarter of the day in A&E but more of that later…
No wedding or groom prep for this one, just straight in to the guests arriving and the wedding itself. Sarika made for a beautifully striking bride as she made her ceremony entrance alone to the obvious delight of Brendan as he caught a first glance of his new bride. We were also extremely lucky to have the sun beaming through (February in the Cotswolds, come on!) and lighting Sarika throughout the vows, helping to create some lovely, naturally lit images.
So…ceremony over and time for the all-important bride and groom shots which I knew would look particularly nice given the day’s winter sun. Now anyone who knows me will know I’m a bit of a ninja when it comes to this kind of thing: never afraid to leap about a bit or lie on the ground in order to create the perfect shot. All was going wonderfully that is until I managed to trip and impale my right leg on the metal handle of an old rusty wheelbarrow! Brendan and Sarika, bless them, thought this was all part of the show until they saw me coming towards them looking like my leg had been attacked by a shark! All very messy and I had no choice but to be despatched off to Gloucester A&E to get things sorted. In true Arnie style, I did say I’d be back and I meant it.
I called my good friend Phil, thankfully a very handy photographer himself, to ask if he could step in for a few hours to get a few shots of the speeches and the first dance and, being the good chap he is, was there snapping away within the hour. True to my word, I did get back later and had a pint with this wonderful couple who rather sweetly seemed more worried about my leg. I asked them if they’d like a few shots in the moonlight with the water – all very pretty – and they were delighted so that’s what we did. And they were lovely. And that was my day!
Here’s a selection to enjoy including Phil’s contribution…
p.s. Phil you were a star.