The Old Lodge – Wedding Photography Gloucestershire: Some weddings are just a blast from start to finish and Tobie and Sy’s was just that. Tobie, a pretty good rugby player by all accounts, spent most of the day tackling her bridesmaids and anyone who crossed her path whereas Sy, when he wasn’t having his kilt pulled up by his wife to reveal a bare a***, spent the day happy as Larry wearing a cat-who-got-the-cream smile. Love it when I get a couple of nutters…
So I started off in Cheltenham with the girls and loved the three big reveals: the bridesmaids to Tobie firstly then Tobie to her dad (the biggie…) and the finale reveal to the bridesmaids – I’ve never seen such a brilliant range of emotions: howling laughter then the sobs then more laughs. Marvellous stuff.
Then off to “Minch” (as it’s known around these parts) to be there to meet Sy and wait for Tobie to arrive. The Old Lodge up on the common is a great place but when it’s cold its really cold however we were treated to a glorious, baking hot sunny day: perfect for their outdoor ceremony.
Tobie looked absolutely stunning and Sy’s face was a picture when he saw his bride for the first time. The seriousness didn’t last long though and it was pretty much laughs all the way from then on. Who said weddings had to be serious?
I used to play rugby myself and know that things can sometimes get a bit “lively” shall we say when the drinks are flowing however a whole load of rugby playing ladies in the same room was a real eye opener! The wedding breakfast was one of the funniest things I’ve ever witnessed as a wedding photographer and I had to keep reminding myself I wasn’t actually shooting a rugby bash. I just had to point the camera and something hilarious usually found its way in to the path of my lens.
The highlights? So many but Sy’s kilt “reveal” was a cracker (literally) as were the golden hour shots we managed to get later on. Tobie’s dad’s face when he first saw his daughter in her bridal dress was wonderful to see too but if I carry on listing the best bits from this wedding it’s going to be a rather long blog post so here you go, why not have a look yourself…